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Weaving Wisdon in Dark Times: a 5-Week Series of the Work That Reconnects

This series meets on Thursdays, 7 November – 12 December 2024 (28 November is off) @9am-11am PDT / 12pm-2pm EDT / 5pm-7pm GMT.

How do we come together in our diverse ways of being in the state of the world and weave wisdom in these dark times? How do we handle our heavy emotions as we face massive killings and suffering, life on Earth breaking apart, and humanity’s failure to address it? How do we bridge our differences and use them to collectively build resilience and empowerment?

The Work That Reconnects, based on the teachings of deep ecologist Joanna Macy, provides a framework and a set of practices that help us tap into our common humanity and mend the cracks in our broken hearts. It is rooted in our innate care for the natural world. We are then more able to move forward with curiosity, courage, and compassion. And we can contribute to creating a life-sustaining society that draws upon the strengths of myriad cultures, faiths, languages, ethnicities, and ways of being - where ALL humans and ALL species are equally honored.

In these series, we follow a Spiral where we start with Gratitude to ground us and encourage us to face the challenge. Then we go through the hardest stage which is Honoring Our Pain in order to process how we feel about the state of the world. Then, harnessing the energy of our emotions, we explore our different relationships to the Anti-oppression Work and decolonial struggle of the polycrisis. Settled in strong ground of honesty, we can expand our perspectives, See with New Eyes, and reconnect with our interconnectedness within the web of life. At last, having unblocked our response, we can Go Forth and play our part in the self-healing of Earth. The Spiral is not a one-way path. It is meant to be taken over and over, growing our capacity of sowing seeds of love each time we engage again in the spiral. These workshops are experiential, tailored to the needs of the participants, and designed to create a safe space where people support each other in their journey.

“The biggest gift you can give is to be absolutely present, and when you're worrying about whether you're hopeful, or hopeless, or pessimistic, or optimistic, who cares? The main thing is that you're showing up, that you're here and that you're finding ever more capacity to love this world. That is what is going to unleash our intelligence and our ingenuity and our solidarity for the healing of our world.” ― Joanna Macy, Co-Founder of the Work That Reconnects

Total cost $150. Please note that I reserve a few spots within the gift economy so if this payment presents a difficulty to you (need for financial support or inability to pay in international currencies), please let me know in the registration form.

May 8

Weaving Wisdom in Dark Times

January 30

10 Steps to Resilience and Empowerment in a Chaotic Climate