Attune to the World & Join the Movement of Active Hope

The Work That Reconnects.

“Active hope” workshops stem directly from the framework, the Work That Reconnects, founded by environmental activist, author, and scholar Joanna Macy. The Work That Reconnects draws inspiration from systems theory, deep ecology, indigenous approach to nature, and social injustice movement.

What kind of “Reconnection” are we talking about here?

This work aims to bring us back into a relationship with each other and with the healing powers of the web of life. It is a journey to awaken our intuition, our wisdom, our resilience, and our sense of belonging to our natural environment.

A Collective Journey.

In this collective journey we say that it is possible to transition from an industrial growth society to a life sustaining society. This journey is the emergence of a creative human response to the climate crisis. It is the story of coming together and moving from exploitation to respect, from extraction to regeneration, and from competition to cooperation.

How can we realize the transition to a Life Sustaining Society?

There are three types of actions in order to transition to a Life Sustaining Society: actions to stop the harm from our industrial growth society (like stopping deforestation), actions to build a life sustaining society (like restoring land), and actions to help shift in perceptions and values (to change worldview and beliefs and to think in a much broader and deeper way).

Four stages in a Spiral pathway.

We follow the structure of a spiral of four stages. We start with Gratitude to ground us and encourage us to face the challenge. Then we go through the hardest stage which is Honoring Our Pain. Then, as we can feel what is happening to our Earth, we can expand our perspectives and See with New Eyes. At last, having unblocked our response, we can Go Forth and play our part in the self-healing of Earth. The Spiral is not a one-way path. It is meant to be taken over and over, growing our awareness each time we engage again in the spiral.

Multiple Practices.

There are multiple practices designed to experience each stage of the Spiral. The practices can be fun, creative, deep, emotional, and challenging. The workshops can be a stand-alone session (introduction to the Work That Reconnects) or a series of sessions to follow the structure of the spiral. It is always group workshops.


To learn more, schedule a free 30-minute call

Even in this darkness night, we can anticipate the coming of a new dawn.

- Sherri Mitchell